Get Your Creative Juices Flowing:
That's right! No excuses! I know we can all get caught up in our day-to-day and even thinking of making time to be creative can seem like a chore, but when you actually sit down, take time for yourself, it won't seem like work. The easiest way to make this possible is to designate a specific space for it. Now while we would all love to have an entire artists loft, or even an entire room to devote to ourselves and our thoughts, we know this isn't always an option. So take some direction from the images above. Sometimes an old desk or table with a good old fashioned cork board will do the trick. I've been wanting to do some hand sketches for my blog the near future, I promise!
Top Image: AZ Life and Style
Second Image: Painting by Artist Jim Dine
Third Image: The Paleo Project
Fourth Image: Marcus Design
Last Image: John Derian's Desk