Bergdorf Goodman 111 years!
This company starts as any great American story with an immigrant from France. The original owner, Herman Bergdorf, started a tailor shop in downtown Manhattan. So where did the name Goodman come from? An apprentice by the name of Edwin Goodman invested in the company and eventually became the sole owner and operator of Bergdorf Goodman.
After a bit of moving around Manhattan, the Uptown store (and present location) was established in 1928.
Goodman, being a savvy businessman, was worried about the state of the economy and unsure if his clients would follow him to this new location. To address the issue of what he thought may be a challenging business location, he designed the store to accommodate for multiple storefronts. These spaces were rented out to various companies, but during the great depression Bergdorf Goodman thrived and eventually owned the entire block.
Next time you're in NYC take a visit!