Cat Scratch Fever:
To all my cat lovers, cats are the new obsession, and not just by us. The fashion world is falling head over heels in love with these furry friends. From jewelry to sweatshirts to tattoos, they just cannot get enough. Cats are taking over my closet as well. Get your feline fix, it's just too cute to pass up.
Top Image: Markus Lupfur
Second Image (Left): Marc by Marc Jacobs Dynamite Rue Cat Earrings
Second Image (Right): Select Shop Fifth Net
Third Image: Wildfox
Fourth Image: Prada Advertisement
Last Image: Stylestalker


I get mixed CDs from my husband even now. It started when I was interning in London and missed my music. He would send me mixed cds of all the music he loved. Well this song was on the last burned CD,
so now I am constantly playing it over and over. I think he's beginning to regret putting it on. Now I have to find out where I can see them. So far, the closest show is 3 states away. What a dilemma! Oh well, have to see if anyone is up for a road trip. Oh and before I forget, a little about Bastille. They are a four member band started in 2010 and based out of the U.K. Think these guys are getting bigger by the minute, want to get out there and see them before the concerts are out of control, love those small intimate/ dive bar settings.


Halloween in True Fashion
Halloween is my absolute favorite holiday! I really feel like over the years and since youtube, the makeup has really kicked it up a notch. These aren't just your everyday zombie or corpse bride, they are literally works of art. I can honestly say I was inspired by this mix of runway makeup and true halloween masks. Can you tell the difference? Fashion is the root of all things.
Top Image: Brit Co
Second Image: Laura Moncur
Third Image (Left): Girl Shue Fourth Image (Right): Halloween Pictures
Fifth Image: Unknown
Sixth Image: Beautylish

FRIDAY JULY 5th 2013

Pineapple Express:
Ok, so fruit seems to be all the rage right now, but I've chosen to zero in on the pineapple!
I am especially loving the swimsuits out there right now, and want to order one before summer is over!
Top Image: Nasty Gal
Second Image: Where to get it
Third Image: Peonies and Pearls
Fourth Image: Please Strike a Pose
Last Image: Lucky Mag

TUESDAY MAY 28th 2013

Walking on Sunshine:
Top Sunglasses: House of Harlow 1960
Second Sunglasses: Miu Miu
Third Sunglasses: Dior
Last Sunglasses: Ray-Ban

MONDAY MAY 27th 2013

Add a Splash of Color!
Ok, anyone with a design background is familiar with Pantone, like myself they use these in their everyday work life. So, I absolutely loved the way people have incorporated these chips into their personal life. These images have really taught me that something you look at everyday can really be seen in a different light.
My favorite is definitely the kicks, my husband would love these!
Top Image: Papyrus
Second Image: Hello Kelli
Third Image: Mariana Rizzi
Fourth Image: Tramped Rose
Fifth Image: Marie Claire Maison
Last Image: Eme Eme